Monday, January 10, 2011

Kayah starts heartworm treatment!

Hey everybody! Droopy here

We need lots of good doggie vibes for Kayah. She started heartworm treatment today.

Heartworm treatment is a very scary thing for a pup to go through. The v-e-t takes a big needle and injects medicine into your back and it starts killing all these scary worms that are stuck to the doggie's heart. The doggie has to stay very calm and there can be no walkies or running around or any fun for weeks and weeks!!!!

While Kayah is at heartworm treatment Smiley and I hung out with Momma and napped alot. But then Momma said it was time for BATHS!!!!

But then we got tasty treats for being such good girls!!! Hurray!!!

Sniff ya later,
Droopy, Smiley and Kayah

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So much for a healthy new year

Hey everybody! Smiley here!

How exciting this is my first post!!!

Well we had all hoped for a happy and healthy new year. We've done pretty well with the happy but for me not so much with the healthy! I had to go to the vet!!

First off my ears have been kinda itchy and I'd been shaking my head a fair amount. Momma thought I had ear mites but when she checked my ears she didn't see any. Then Sunday night she noticed I had funny lump on both ears. They were soft squishy bumps. Momma said it was time to go to the vet so off we went Monday morning.

Can you see how they tortured me?!?!?!?

Well my funny lumps were hematomas, or little pockets of blood in my ears! All the shaking I had done caused me to break blood vessels in both my ears. Ruh-roh! Well the vet thought that maybe I had an ear infection, which was causing me to shake my head. The vet then said Momma had to leave me at the vet, which was no fun!

They made me take a nap and when I woke up they had flushed out my ears and drained my funny lumps. What did my lumps do to them?!?! Well I've been pretty groggy since then but my ears are feeling much better except when Momma puts those stupid ear drops in!

And just so you don't miss them here are Droopy and Kayah, packing up the Christmas decorations!

Well time for any other nap for me!

Sniff ya later,
Smiley (and Droopy and Kayah too)

Momma P.S. I feel like a horrible Basset mom. I let one of my dogs get an ear infection and I didn't notice. Ugh! Please don't call Doggie Protective Service on me! Guess we need to be more vigilant on how dirty Smiley's ears are.