Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kayah's Heartworms Round 2

Hey everydoggie

Well Ms. Kayah is going for her second (and hopefully last) round of heartworm treatment today!

So please say some puppy prayers that everything goes ok!

I know we've been asking for lots of puppy prayer and crossed paws but it seems to go with being a foster home for these homeless pups!

I can add on a happy note, Mickey funny neck bump got figured out and he didn't need splurgery! Although there is talk of him going and getting tutored soon.

Hopefully our next post will be Smiley and I in our Barkus costumes!

Sniff ya later,


  1. We'll keep little Kayah in our thoughts. These orphan dogs need all the help they can get.


  2. We will be thinkin' bout Kayah and sendin' and big Paws Up and lots of hugs!

    Amber DaWeenie

  3. We will cross our paws (that is LOTS of paws) for Kayah, and get the momma to say cussins about those Heartworms! I know the daddy gets scared when she starts those cussins, so maybe it will work on those yuck Heartworms.

    Your heartworm-hating Who, Sugar

  4. I hope everything went well with Kayah's treatment!
    And glad to know about Mickey's bump!
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  5. Hope things went well for Kayah's treatment. We hope it is the last one as well. We love what you are doing for the foster pups.

    P.S..We got mail from you yesterday. Mom said we are opening it tonight, all we know is it smells really yummy.

    Sniffs, The HoundDogs
