I thought I'd blog about the foster hounds today cause they've had lots going on!
First off Kayah

Kayah's heartworm treatment is going super well! She'll go back to the V-E-T and get rechecked for heartworms in a few weeks and hopefully she'll be cleared and then we can help find her a home!
Plus Momma's been working on some training with Kayah. Kayah was abandoned in a garage for a while so she forgot that doggies go potty in the grass. The training is going well and Kayah is learning to love the feel of grass under her feet again!
Mickey got neutered on Monday! He wasn't too happy about it but it had to happen. He hasn't licked his incision once, probably cause Momma continues to threaten him with the Cone of Shame!
Mickey has also been working on training with Momma. He knows Stay, Come, Look, and No and he's making progress with Sit and Off. He loves training! Momma thinks Mickey could make an awesome agility or therapy doggie since he's so sweet and works so hard.
And then there's Roy!
I've haven't mentioned Roy before cause he's a foster dog at Momma's work. Roy is with the Looziana Basset Rescue, which is our local basset rescue. Momma is, of course, in love with Roy. He's 7 years old but doesn't act like it. He also has dry eyes like I do but he's really good about his eye drops.
Momma wanted me to pass on that Looziana Basset Rescue is having a fund raiser right now. If you donate 40 kibble dollars to the Looziana Basset Rescue during the month of March, you can get a really cool basset-y themed picture!
This is the link for the pictures: http://www.gallery504.biz/ Once you donate your kibble monies at this website www.firstgiving.com/bayoubassets then you just e-mail bayoubassets@bellsouth.net and tell them which picture you want, where to send the picture and how you donated your kibble monies.
We already own a basset-y print that was made a few years back. It's one of our favorite pictures!
That's it for now.
Sniff ya later,
Droopy (plus Smiley, Kayah, and Mickey)