The weather here today as been yucky! It has rained and rained all day. Momma usually takes us on a walk at about 3 o'clock and there was serious talk about a wet walk today. Sadly, it started thundering and lightening so the walk was canceled which was ok with us bassets since we don't like the rain.
One thing about me, I do not like the rain. Momma says I have a lot of anxiety about bad weather, whatever that means. Usually I cry and pace around the house. Sometimes I hide in the closet, under the clothes. I have found that my favorite spot is in momma's lap. I stretch out across her lap and she rubs my head and I fall asleep and don't think about the scary storm. Momma says she doesn't mind me resting in her lap although her feet fall asleep after a while.

Me sleeping in momma's lap
The rain should be cleared up by tomorrow and walks should be had promptly at 3 o'clock. Momma said it's gonna be cold tomorrow and we might get to wear our sweatshirts.
Sniff ya later,
Droopy and Callie